
"Three" work mechanism to ensure "zero appeal"

In 2010, at the age of 68, ChangJiang area, because the villagers DaiMou neighbour disputes with cups by each other, classics appraisal for minor injuries serie a, DaiMou be criminal detention. Because the family is DaiMou neighbors, to the other party, the resentment of often contradictory.
In the case of necessity to review, the district's procuratorate think, case, as long as the special mediation, can resolve contradictions. After DuoFang efforts, finally to the two sides reach a compensation of a conciliation agreement, the prosecution of necessity to make not to DaiMou decision. This treatment, not only resolves the contradiction between both parties, and the local government, the villagers are very satisfied, received good social effect.
According to introducing, "one big one small mechanism", "big" refers to the "big pattern mechanism" complaint reporting, that is the basic ideas and positioning, including work pattern institution. "Small" refers to "the mediation small conflict", which could cause for complaint reporting from the event in contradiction, timely resolved grabbed little contradiction, prevent small conflict into major contradiction.
The forward pass for dispute "after-care"
Last may, the hospital opened "people's livelihood service hotline" understanding, expand the public opinion of channels. At the same time, to the remote mountain in phone booking prosecutors' investigating activities, in situ interpretation of the law argue the contradictions.
The hospital set up "tandem mechanism", "a former" is aiming at solving the contradictions and will go up to the community, of the fields, go up to the original state of conflict. "A" is to do well, cleaning up the ShangFangRen helped to solve practical difficulties, maintain the lawful rights and interests, this also is the victim XiSu do work and avoid XiSu again after repeated important segment.
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